Welcome to the home of Cacique, the magazine that celebrates all things Caribbean, brought to you by interCaribbean Airways. Cacique aims to highlight and inspire leadership, community, entrepreneurship and endeavour across the Caribbean. At interCaribbean we take pride in connecting people across the Caribbean, and we hope Cacique will showcase the creativity, energy, ambition and zest for life we see across this beautiful region.
Expanding our Reach
ampliando nuestro alcance
EXPANDED FLIGHT SCHEDULE • interCaribbean adds two aircraft, extends service to Barbados, Guyana and Windards
Over the hill
COOK TO PERFECTION • “I don't think people understand how amazing Trinidad is culinary-wise. Nowhere else has our seasonings and flavour combinations, “says Brigette Joseph, founder of Chef Brigtte and Co. As a food business consultant, executive chef, private chef and food safety specialist, as well as turning her hand to food and beverage curation and management and bespoke catering, the Trinidadian, it seems, is never out of the kitchen - or someone else's. But who is the personality behind the innovation? Jeneille Lewis asks the questions…
‘POLAROID’ gecko makes DRAMATIC COMEBACK • Thanks to the work of Union Island residents, the rare reptile's population has almost doubled in the last five years
STYLE ICONS • There is no shortage of talent in the Caribbean fashion industry, with celebrities such as Gabrielle Union Beyonce and Ashanti opting to adorn themselves in pieces from the region. Jeneille Lewis selects five local designers to look out for
CUBA'S CURIOUS CREATURES • Explore the forests, shores and seas of the Caribbean's largest island and you can discover everything fro m sea turtles, sharks and manatees to fla mingos, hu m mingbirds and a rather special snail. Claire Boobbyer is your guide to the wild side of Cuba …
LAS CURIOSAS CRIATURAS DE • Explore los bosques, las costas y los mares de la isla más grande del Caribe y podrá descubrir de todo, desde tortugas marinas, tiburones y manatíes hasta fla mencos, colibríes y un caracol atípico. Claire Boobbyer será tu guía en el lado salvaje de Cuba…
COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE BEERIBBEAN A hot day, a refreshing breeze. • A hot day, a refreshing breeze, a cold beer on the beach. With apologies to ru m-lovers, it's the quintessential Caribbean thirst-quencher. Which is strange, given that the hops used to brew beer don't thrive in the island cli mate. They're native to Europe – the first reference to brewing with hops co mes fro m Ger many around a thousand years ago. Beer was introduced to the Caribbean by the British in 1880. Heineken is now the regional giant, but many islands have their own local ales with decades of history. The global craft micro-bre wery trend has also taken hold and won many fans. Here's our island-hop around so me of the hop-based bre ws of the region, from recent upstarts to long-time favourites.
GUÍA COMPLETA DE LA CERVEZA DEL CARIBE • Un dia caluroso, una brisa refrescante y una cerveza bien fría en la playa. Con disculpas a los amantes del ron, es el calmante de sed caribeño excelencia. Lo cual extraño, dado que el lúpulo que se usa para elborar cerveza no crece en el clima de las islas. Son nativas de Europa: la primera referwncia a la elaboración de cerveza con lúpulo proviene de Alemania hace unos mil años. La cerveza fue introducida en el Caribe por los briránicos en 1880. Heineken es ahora el gigante refional, pero muchas islas tienen sus propias cervezas locales con décadas de historia. La tendencia mundial de las microcervecerías artesanales también se ha afianzado y ganado muchos seguidores. Aqué está nuestro via je de isa en isla para conocer...