OYLA Magazine is a science and technology publication for readers aged 12 and up. It features engaging articles, interactive content, and stunning visuals designed to inspire curiosity and a love for learning. Ideal for young minds eager to explore and understand the world around them.
OYLA Magazine
Why Are Maintenance Holes Round? • Fun math literally under your feet! Who cares what shape maintenance holes are, right? And yet, with rare exceptions, they are round in any country of the world. So why is that?
WHAT IF THE EARTH WERE ACTUALLY FLAT? • Long before our era, ancient Greek philosophers used mathematical calculations to prove that the Earth had a spherical shape. FERDINAND MAGELLAN and his crew completed the first circumnavigation, and YURI GAGARIN was the first to fly into space and see the globe with his own eyes. And yet, even now, in the age of accessible information, some people still believe that the Earth is flat. Well, let’s imagine what our life would be like in such a case.
HOOKE’S LAW • Why are there so many ropes, cords, and cables on a sailing ship? Certainly not for beauty’s sake! Every single thread in that intricate web of rigging has a purpose. The ropes not only control the sails but also hold the most important part: the mast! And all this is thanks to the simple and elegant law of elasticity.
DYSBIOSIS: Not What It Seems • Today, many people associate various digestive problems with “dysbiosis” and hastily seek to treat it. However, doctors and scientists increasingly assert that dysbiosis is not a disease but rather one of the natural states of the human microflora. In this article, we will explore why treating dysbiosis is often unnecessary and what our gut truly needs to thrive.
How Wolves Became Dogs • Dogs are so different-big and small, hunting and herding, playful and serious… Yet, they all share a common ancestor. How did this happen, and how do our four-legged friends differ today?
WHY DO CATS’ EYES GLOW IN THE DARK? • Is it difficult to find a black cat in a dark room? Only if it keeps its eyes closed, or else you’ll immediately spot two shining lights in the darkness. But how does this work? Do cats have a light bulb inside their heads that they can turn on at will? Of course not. Cats’ eyes don’t glow in the dark on their own-they only reflect light from external sources. A room may seem pitch dark to you, but a cat’s eye can capture and reflect even the faintest light, whether it’s from the moon or a dim street lamp filtering through drawn curtains.
Up, Up, and Away in a Hot Air Balloon! • People have always dreamed of flying–just look at the myths, tales, and legends of various cultures. Alas, we didn’t evolve wings, but that’s no reason to give up on our dreams! The hot air balloon was the first aircraft in history to lift a person into the air. Are you ready to get off the ground and explore the most breathtaking places on the planet?
FOSSILIZING SCIENTIFICALLY • Scientists estimate that only one bone in a billion becomes a fossil. However, it is not blind chance that determines whose remains will be lucky enough to survive millions of years and end up in a museum. The patterns and processes behind fossil formation are studied by a special branch of paleontology called taphonomy.
NEW PANDEMICS: THE COST OF DESTROYING NATURE • When humans invade previously uninhabited jungle or Arctic tundra in search of resources or space for housing and agriculture, they may encounter deadly danger. No, we’re not talking about bloodthirsty tigers or an ice floe suddenly cracking underfoot. This is about bacteria and viruses that our bodies have never experienced before—pathogens that could trigger new pandemics.
EDMOND HALLEY 1P / HALLEY Halley’s Comet • Be honest-how many...