Non-judgemental, uplifting parenting content from pregnancy to teenagers. The Green Parent is full of ideas on living outside the mainstream, with advice on how to nurture yourself so you can thrive (not just survive!) as a parent. Heaps of activities to bring fun and connection into every day life, a welcoming community and positive news!
7 reasons to become a member at • Becoming a member will unlock loads of super cool parenting perks! Here are 7 reasons you don't want to miss out:
From the editor
Here's what I've been doing this month:
We asked, how do you bring adventure into everyday?
The Green Parent
INSPIRE • Seasonal Celebrations: What's Happening This Month – page 11, Interview: Understanding Children's Behaviour to Create a Stronger Relationship – page 13, Reader Stories: We Took a Holiday by Train – page 15, Family Craft: Make Your Own Decorated Kite – page 17
February Journal • Seasonal celebrations, activities and ideas
March Journal • Seasonal celebrations, activities and ideas
Gentles Parenting • Softly spoken, down-to-earth and always seemingly on the verge of a chuckle, Marie Gentles OBE is leading a quiet revolution in education. A former headteacher at a pupil referral unit (PRU) in North East London, her pupils were given hugs, never called ‘naughty’ and followed a red and yellow traffic light system to teach them about unacceptable behaviour. And it worked; academic achievement rose and – most importantly – pupils felt happy. Marie is now a behaviour adviser to the Department for Education, an educational consultant, and a regular on BBC series including Don't Exclude Me and Helping Our Teens. In October 2020 she received an OBE for her services to education.
“We don't talk about miscarriage, but it's going on all the time” • Melissa Williams lives in Cardiff with her husband Shane and two children, Rina and Nye
“We took our first holiday by train” • Ally Baker lives with her husband Ady and her children Sophie (10) and Isaac (8) in Higham-onthe-Hill on the Leicester/ Warwickshire border
Let's go fly a kite • The breezes of March are perfect for flying a kite. How about making your own and floating it up on one of those March breezes asks Shelly Carlson
baby • Snuggle up with a fairtrade teddy, reduce stress levels and read about the history of breastfeeding
POSITIVE + NUMBERS 81 • The percentage of babies who are breastfed at birth, according to research by Infant Feeding Survey
Wild Wisdom • Birth is an extraordinary, normal, physiological process, says Andrea Schwartz. It's powerful – it shapes us like nothing else does
THINGS I Wish I KNEW • 14 Reflections on Early Motherhood with Mariah Friend
toddler • Best toys to encourage budding engineers, vegan bubbles and where to source organic bedding
POSITIVE + NUMBERS 85% • The percentage of four year olds who showed a greater interest in stories described as being true
“Help! How can I help my toddler share at playgroup, or at least get along with his friends?” • Dr. Laura Markham answers your questions
child • Listen to stories, count your plastic waste and boost social skills with roleplay
Roadschooling • Ruth Taylor is a single mum who home educates on the road – here she tells the story of winter in Spain with her family
Adventure Awaits! • Our pick of the best gear for your next getaway, whether you're hiking, biking or taking things a little easy!
THE BOOK NOOK • We sent out packages to some of our subscribers, packed with picture books, tales for older readers and practical books for parents. Here are their reviews:
Revolutionary Reading • Lucy Ann Unwin doesn't deal in absolutes. Her...