Discover how to push your digital camera skills to the limit! There has never been a better time to learn photography. Imaging technology has come on in leaps and bounds in the space of a few short years, and to be able to get the best out of your camera, you need a good understanding of the fundamentals. Within the pages of this guide our team of professional photographers will take you through our comprehensive guide to becoming a far better photographer. 100% unofficial.
GETTING STARTED • Take the first into the world of digital photography
Know your camera • A quick guide to all the major dials and buttons
The right camera for you • We highlight the main types of digital camera
What lenses do I need? • We take a look at the main lens types available for your camera
Why do I need a tripod? • An essential piece of equipment
Flashes and lighting • Add light and boost your creativity
Types of light modifiers • Make light yours to command
Filters and filter systems • Some must-have filters for creative photography
Gear and gadgets • Take a look at the best gadgets and new tech for photographers, videographers, and geeks of all types!
USING YOUR CAMERA • Master your camera and learn how to get the most out of it
Basic composition • The simple rules that make a good picture great
Composing your photos: how it's done • You know the rules, now you can use them or bend them
The exposure triangle • The holy trinity for photographers
Exposure and metering • Accurate exposure is the key to good photography
Metering modes • Methods you can use to measure light in a scene
Metering modes: how it's done • Modern cameras give you choice when it comes to metering your scene
Shutter speed and camera shake • The shutter of your camera is simply a mechanical barrier
Aperture and depth of field • With aperture you can control how much of your picture is in focus
Understanding hyperfocal distance • How to calculate the best depth of field
ISO and image noise • High ISO gives you faster shutter speeds in low light, but there's a price to pay
Focusing • Getting the best out of your autofocus system
Focusing: how it's done • Choose your focusing method for the job in hand
Focal length and zoom • Understanding how focal length works in composing shots
Focal length and zoom: how it's done • Use of focal length is a key tool to shot composition
Flash techniques • A guide to some common uses of flash
Flash photography: how it's done • Light up your shots and get creative with your photography
Master White balance • White may not be as white as you think
Shooting modes • Choosing the best setting for the correct shooting conditions
File types and image compression • How is it possible to store so many images on such a tiny memory card?
The inverse-square law • Understand how light and distance work
IMPROVE YOUR PHOTOS • Some essential tips that can help you improve as a photographer
How to: photograph women • Some handy tips to bear in mind when shooting a female portrait
How to: photograph men • Male portraits have their own special kind of language when it comes to posing
Mastering exterior lighting conditions • Be the master of good exposure with our handy guide
Photography tips and tricks • Quick reference advice to help you take the perfect shot
CREATIVE PROJECTS • Unleash your creative side and learn even more techniques used by...