An interfaith spiritual Magazine with articles on wisdom teachings, spiritual practices, science and spirituality, prayer and meditation, healing, personal journeys, sacred ecology, transformational art, spiritual cinema, reviews, and more.
Truth Consciousness
Discovering the Secret of Life • Whatever challenges may come, put your faith in your Source and see if your life becomes joyful. You will find the secret of life: your true blissful nature.
The Eloquence of Silence • Look back on your life and see how you have been led toward the perfection of your calling, your innermost nature. You did not do it. Actually, you have accomplished nothing, if you have arrived anywhere at all. You have been made.
Active Hope • Facing the Mess We’re in with Resilience and Creative Power
Dream of a Hidden Treasure • A Rumi Parable on the Secrets of Spiritual Quest on the occasion of the 750th Anniversary of Rumi’s Death.
Awake, Empty and Intimate A Non-Dual Way to Experience the World • Emptiness is what your soul really wants. It is the space in which love flourishes. It is the space out of which love creates the world.
Pilgrimage to Amarnath with Swami Vivekananda • The place was vast, large enough to hold a cathedral, and the great ice-Siva, in a niche of deepest shadow, seemed as if throned on its own base. To him, the heavens had opened. He had touched the feet of Siva. He had had to hold himself tight, he said afterwards, lest he “should swoon away.”
Healing Our Collective Trauma • The divine human matrix carries the encoded story of our race, back to its very genesis. All those alive today have been entrusted to hold this living record and chosen by evolution to update and renew it into a new tomorrow.
The Presencing Meditation
The Ram Dass Toolbox For Inner Freedom & Higher Consciousness • Freedom doesn’t come from turning your back on your responsibilities. Methods are ships crossing the ocean of existence. If you’re halfway across the sea, it’s a little silly to decide methods are a bummer if you don’t know how to swim. But once you get to the far shore, it would be silly to keep carrying your boat because there is no more water.
To Love This Place • I longed for some far-off, quiet world where I wouldn’t have to fight the clamor of life. Then it hit me. There were quiet places I could visit that were, perhaps, not too far away. I grabbed my laptop and googled “monastery near Nashville.” An hour later I was on my way to the Abbey of Gethsemane.
Your Sensitivity is a Gift–For Yourself and for the Planet • The more empaths can feel empowered with their natural divine gifts, the more we can share our talents as healers and lightworkers with the world.
You Are Not Stuck • Transforming Fear into Freedom
PARAM PARA Answers to Questions on the Spiritual Path
Spiritual Cinema
In Gratitude for your years of devoted service
In Remembrance