Do you dare visit these paranormal places? Uncover the secrets of the mysterious otherworld in this first edition.
In the shadow of the supernatural • Since the dawn of mankind people have turned to otherworldly explanations in their efforts to make sense of events and apparitions that seem to defy the laws of nature
WHY DO WE BELIEVE? • It’s not just churchgoers who have a tendency to believe in ghosts…
Magic & miracles
It’s a miracle! • Miraculous events caused by the gods and holy people occur in many religions, but what they mean and why they happen has often sparked controversy
MIRACLES OF GOD OR DEVILS? • Early miracles were often difficult to differentiate from malicious magic
Mysterious miracles and magical events • Strange phenomena have always drawn crowds and history is replete with miracles that have been witnessed by many people
The milk miracle • Could a man-made statue of Ganesha have somehow been posessed by the god himself?
The Dancing Plague • Was this curious affliction a case of mass hysteria or the work of the devil?
Saints of the air • Instances of humans with the ability to levitate, or even fly, have occured throughout history
The Angels of Mons • Did a miraculous army come to the aid of the British during WWI?
The celestial phenomena over Nuremberg • Were these early UFOs extraterrestrial, divine or simply astrological?
Our Lady of Zeitoun • Was this mysterious phantom a ghost or a holy visitation?
The Naga Fireballs • What causes this annual mystical phenomenon is yet to be fully understood
Dark day of New England • What caused the sun to seemingly switch off one early spring morning?
Two places at once • How can a single person appear in more than one location at the same time?
The guiding ocean lights • Are Te Lapa divine lights leading sailors safely to the shore?
When the sun danced • The lady of light had promised a miracle. On Saturday 13 October 1917, she delivered
Witches, wizards, sorcerers and spellcasters • From talking to spirits to predicting the future, these mystical figures were a supernatural force to be reckoned with
Imhotep • Chancellor to Pharaoh Djoser and high priest to the sun god Ra
Edward Kelley • The controversial character who aided the infamous alchemist John Dee
Abe no Seimei • Japan’s legendary magician was allegedly not entirely human
Marie Laveau • The Voodoo Queen of New Orleans ran a beauty parlour for the city’s elite
The Magician of Marblehead • Edward, or possibly John, Dimon, or maybe Diamond, was the mysterious grandfather of renowned 18th Century seer, Moll Pitcher
Michael Scot • Scottish alchemist Michael Scot’s advanced scientific knowledge seemed like sorcery
Gerald Gardner • Also known by his magical name, Scire, Gardner founded his own Wiccan religion in the 1950s
Xu Fu • The magician who set off to find the Emperor the elixir of life, only to be immortalised himself
Aradia: The Gospel of the Witches • Who was Aradia? A goddess, a folkloric witch figure or a real woman lost to legend?
Hecate • Worship of this dark, ancient Greek goddess has seen a modern revival
Paracelsus • The Renaissance philosopher who surmised the maxim “the dose makes the poison” and fathered toxicology
Morgan le Fay • The legendary fairy sorceress and sister to King Arthur may have her origins in a mythological mother goddess
Dion Fortune • A pioneer of modern magic
The Premonitions Bureau • In the aftermath of the Aberfan disaster, a mysterious project began to investigate...